Our churches have various choirs and other music ministries, highlighted below.
St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Church
Adult Choir consists of young adult and adult volunteers who rehearse weekly and sing for Sunday Mass and special occasions throughout the church year.
Funeral Choir consists of adult volunteers who sing for funerals throughout the week.
Contact: Carol Froehlich (412-608-7585)
St. Germaine and Nativity Churches
Youth Choir, Grades 2-8 (sings on the last Sunday each month, Easter and Christmas)
Adult Choir, High School age and above (sings at Nativity's 9:00 AM Mass or St. Germaine's 10:30 AM Mass)
Contact: Nicholas Spagnolo (412-833-0661)
St. Valentine Church
Voices of Spirit Choir includes members of various ages (high school, college and adult) who sign primarily at the 10:30 AM Mass'
Rejoice Ringers Handbell Ensemble may be seen throughout the year playing special Liturgies. Reading music is not a necessity; all you need to know is how to keep a steady beat.
Resurrection Choir normally sings at all parish funerals during weekdays. No special rehearsals; just come 30 minutes before each funeral to become familiar with the music.
Instrumentalists: If you play an instrument or sing, please consider offering your gift of talent during an occasional liturgy. We will work around what works best for you.
Cantors at all four of our churches sing certain specified parts of the liturgy (solo) and assist the assembly’s singing as needed. Ideally, the singing should sound like part of a continuing prayer offered by everyone.